Sermon Discussion Questions
1) What does this passage teach us about God? How does God respond to Job? What questions does He ask Job?
2) What can we learn from Job's response to what God asks him?
3) Sermon quote: "Every family system has a way that they deal with pain and suffering that shapes our approach to it as an adult." How were you formed by pain and suffering growing up?
4) "Being quiet and still with ourselves can be disruptive sometimes." We see other verses like Psalm 46:10, asking us to be still and quiet. Is it difficult to make time for these moments? Do we find ourselves dreading being still and quiet?
5) What was Job's conclusion/response at the end of Job? The word "repent" found in Job 42:6 can also be translated "comfort". Do we ever think of the process of repenting as being comforting? Who/What makes it possible for Job to comforted despite his circumstances?