Sermon Discussion Questions
1) What are the ancient promises Paul is wanting the the audience in Acts to remember?
2) Sermon quote: "We weren't created to be the author of the story of our lives, but to be characters written by God in His story." Discuss this truth with the group. How do we act like the author sometimes?
3) Why is Paul reminding them of the shared story between the Jews and Gentiles?
4) The story of God reclaiming His creation through His kingdom is our our story. How have you seen God reclaiming His creation in your life?
5) What are some of the narratives that the world wants us to have dominating our story? When are tempted to believe in other narratives that aren't grounded in the gospel?
6) Bulletin quote: "There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling the one Big Story. the Story of how God loves His children and comes to rescue them." (Sally Lloyd-Jones) Is this truth encouraging to you? What is challenging about it?