Welcome to the CPC Discussions blog. This blog is a place to foster further discussion between individuals at CPC. As we encounter new information and ideas, we all take time to process through what our response is. Often, when we have the opportunity to engage with each other during this processing, we find our ideas enriched and expanded.
Monday, February 24, 2020
“One Life” 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Rev. Randy Mayfield
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) Sermon quote: “We have been brought from death to life, do we live out of that truth?” Can you give some examples?
2) As believers we are sent out to be Christ’s witnesses. What enables this calling? What is the source of this new life?
3) What does living with a purpose look like in our daily lives?
4) Quote: “The only thing that Christianity can’t be is moderately important.” CS Lewis Reflect and discuss. Do we realize that Jesus calls us to give (100%) of our lives for Him? How does that impact our daily interaction with others, ourselves and His world in light of this?
5) The Holy Spirit works and calls people to Himself, a lot of times through our relationships. Has this been your experience? Who did God use in your life to draw you to Himself?
Monday, February 17, 2020
“Facing Persecution” Acts 4:1-22 Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) After reading the text again, what do we see going on in these verses? Who are the key characters? What are they doing? How do they respond to the situation?
2) What is the Bible’s definition of persecution? And what were Peter and John being persecuted for specifically?
3) Can you think of other times in scripture where the Church or believers are being persecuted for their faith in Christ?
4) We see Peter and John bear witness to Christ in 3 ways. Discuss each one below. What do these practically look like, how are they modeled in this passage?
A) Speaking with courage
B) Speaking with clarity
C) Speaking with confidence
5) (Sermon question) Does this apply to us now in our context, in “suburban, West County, America”? Are we in someways sheltered or removed from persecution like our brothers and sisters face in other parts of the world?
6) We can ask ourselves, what is the cornerstone in our life? There have been times in our lives when we have to choose what to build our live upon. Every single day we are being asked to choose Jesus or something else. Can you think of examples in your life where this applies?
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
“Give Jesus” Acts 3 Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) What is taking place in this chapter? Who is present?
2) The author, Luke, gives us the back story of the paralyzed man. The man had been dependent on people to help him his entire life. The gospel writer wants us to “see” people that would ordinarily be overlooked or even who did not want to be seen (because of shame, etc). “Seeing” people was a regular part of Jesus’ ministry on earth. Can you think of other times in the Bible that this takes place?
3) What was Peter and John’s response to the man? In essence, they were seeking God’s kingdom by giving Jesus to the a man, when they had no money.
In our daily lives do we think of ways we can show Jesus to others? What can that look like as we go about our day with our friends, co-workers, families, strangers...)
4) We live in a culture of consumerism. Are we consumed more with getting than giving? Where are areas in our lives that we can turn (repent) and grow in? Christ ultimately gave Himself out of love for us. So we can be confident as believers and giving that love of Christ to others.
5) How does the life/death/resurrection of Christ demonstrate the ultimate gift of sacrifice/giving?
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
“Amazing Grace in Ordinary Places” Acts 2:42-47, Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) In the previous section of Acts, we are told of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church. What do we see happening in 2:42-47.
2) The way in which we experience the grace of the gospel is by very ordinary means. How do each of these means of grace help us know the truth of the gospel better? Discuss each one
A) Word of God
B) Sacrament of communion (Table of God)
C) Prayer (Worship of God)
3) Are we making the most of these means of grace? The text says the early church was “devoted” to these means and to each other. Are there areas in our own lives where we are not devoted? Or areas that we can grow in together?
4) God uses these ordinary means of grace in a community context. What are some challenges about experiencing them in community? What are some ways we can affirm experience means of grace in community?
5) Sermon quote: “God says He will meet us in these ordinary places and He means it. It is an appointment He will not break.” Does that change the way we view and interact with these ordinary means? Do we expect God to show up and teach us more about Himself through these means?
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