Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Not Despising Small Things: Micah 5:2-5a Chris Smith (3rd week of Advent)

                                                     Sermon Discussion Questions

Context: 1) What was happening Israel and Judah, in the first 4 chapters of Micah, prior to chapter 5? In light of the judgment we read about in the first 4 chapters of this book, why are the first 5 verses of chapter 5 such good news?

                    2) Micah 5:2 is cited in Matthew 2:6. What historical context/significance is taking place in Matthew 2? 

                   3) Just as the leaders of Micah’s time had taken their eye off of the things of the Lord, we do as well. What are some affections that your heart is drawn to that may be distractions from keeping your focus on Christ? 

                  4) What the world often tells us to focus on is not what we should ultimately have our hope in. How do we fight against this in our every day lives? 

                 5) We see throughout Scripture, God often times will use the unexpected, or the “under-dog” in history to bring about His purposes. Why was Bethlehem an unlikely/unexpected place for the Messiah to be born?
                 6) The cross also seems like an unlikely place for God to defeat His enemies, but He ultimately defeats death/sin at the cross and through the resurrection of Jesus. Reflect on this truth. How is that comforting/good news?