Welcome to the CPC Discussions blog. This blog is a place to foster further discussion between individuals at CPC. As we encounter new information and ideas, we all take time to process through what our response is. Often, when we have the opportunity to engage with each other during this processing, we find our ideas enriched and expanded.
Monday, September 23, 2019
But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace... (Galatians 5:16, 19-23; Romans 9:1-5) Rev. Ron Lutjens
Sermon Questions & Reflections
1) This side of heaven, as believers, we live with a divided self. Discuss that statement. What does this look like in our lives?
2) Sermon quote from outline: “Godly sorrow and anguish are fruits of the Holy Spirit as much as joy and peace are.”
Read over Romans 9:1-5 again. Why should we think of godly anguish and sorrow as fruit of the Holy Spirit? Have there been times in your life when you have experienced that truth?
3) What was the root of Paul’s deep anguish? Who was this sorrow expressed over?
4) Often times God uses our own past sins/struggles to give us love/compassion for others who struggle with the same sins. (Personal reflection) What area is God redeeming from your “old self”? How does being rooted in the love of Christ and His righteousness change our sorrow for the lost?
5) What propels our love & joy in God? What are ways that we are cultivating that relationship in our lives?
6) Are there lost family members or friends in our lives that we can pray for as a group?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
When It is Your Problem: James 5:19-20 Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions:
1) “We are living in a cultural moment where you hear this phrase often, ‘Not my problem.” (Sermon quote)
Yet, there are times when a Christ is obligated to care. What are those times when believers are called to cared?
2) In caring for “wanderers” and “searchers” what should our motivation to act be? What does it look like to do that with healthy, loving and truthful boundaries?
3) What is our motivation for coming along side others and pursuing them when we see they may be headed on the wrong path?
4) Where is the Bible narrative do we see this pursuit of love displayed well? (List all different references that come to mind)
5) “Our Heavenly Father chased after us, so we pursue people to show them Jesus.” Sermon quote. (Personal reflection) Think on this truth. Ask God to make this truth of the gospel take root in your heart. Where can we grow in this area?
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
“Thoughts on Prayers” James 5:13-18, Ryan Laughlin
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) Read over the text: What does James so about prayer?
2) Do we believe that our prayers are powerful, as the text says?
3) Prayer
A) Is for every situation: We usually are quicker to go to prayer in times of suffering. What does the text say about cheerfulness? How do we practically incorporate praying in every situation in our lives?
B) Is for every weakness: “People can dress the wound, but God heals us.” (Sermon quote) When we think of praying for weakness, do we think holistically? Praying for spiritual, physical and emotional weakness. Is this difficult sometimes? Discuss.
C) With every confidence
What does the text say about confessing to each other?
True healing takes place when our sins/struggles are brought to the light. As believers we can boldly approach the throne because we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness. Is this truth comforting? Does this truth change the way we approach prayer and confession?
4) We are given the example of Elijah in the text. How is this encouraging?
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