Monday, March 25, 2019

Sermon Discussion Questions: Numbers 17: “Real Flower Power”

                                                             Numbers 17

 Sermon/Outline Questions:

1) Following up from the previous chapter (16), we see the Israelites questioning the authority of Moses and Aaron and even wanted to go back to Egypt. In chapter 17, what do we see God doing in response to the people’s rebellion?

2) God gave the Israelites a sign on Aaron’s rod. What did that sign communicate? What did that sign demonstrate?

3) Aaron was God’s chosen mediator/priest for the people of Israel because one was needed. In what ways do we put the “me” back in mediator? Do we behave as if it our own goodness that earns God’s favor? What would not trusting in our own goodness look like in our daily lives?

4) As Christians in the 21st Century what sign do we have that shows God’s power, grace, mercy, etc? How does Christ’s resurrection “act as deterrent” in your life? The resurrection has ongoing implications in our lives. Can you reflect on specific moments when it has acted as a “deterrent”?

5) A quote from the sermon: “Grace changes us from grumblers to givers.” There was a shift in the Israelites attitude/posture toward the Lord at the end of  chapter 17. How were the Israelites instructed to give and live differently as a response to God’s grace? (Looking ahead to chapters 18 & 19)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sermon Discussion Question: Numbers 16: “Being Consumed” (Chris Smith)

     Text review:

1) In a nutshell, what is this chapter in Numbers about?

2) Who are Korah, Dothan and Abiram? What charge do they bring against Moses?

3) What is Moses’ response to Korah and his followers?

4) What does Moses instruct Korah and his followers to do and why?

From the sermon:

1) What did Chris say was at the heart/root of Koran’s claim?

2) Do you remember a time in your life where you were not living out of gratitude? Reflect back on that time for a minute. How did NOT living out of gratitude impact your relationship with others, yourself and with God?

3) God mercifully provided a way for atonement. What did that atonement system look like in Numbers? (Hint: Aaron) Who do we look to now as our High Priest? Do we see Jesus as our High Priest in our lives?