5:19-29 “Honor the Son” (courtesy Jeff Klinger)
1. Review from last week: Why were the Jews “upset” after Jesus
healed the man who was lying by the pool of Bethesda?
2. What part of Jesus’ teaching particularly
impressed Leo Tolstoy? What action
did Tolstoy take to honor Jesus’ teaching? What evidence did Ryan give that made him think that Tolstoy
honored Jesus’ teaching but did not honor Jesus, the Person?
3. Is it possible that you as an evangelical
Reformed Christian live by a coherent world view and moral framework to live
and raise your children but do not honor Jesus, the Person? What can you do about it?
4. In what two ways do we see Jesus joining and
enjoying his relationship with the Father?
5. Ryan used his imagination to flesh out how
Jesus might have reminisced about growing up with his “earthly father”
Joseph. Where did they work and
what might have that been like?
6. Jesus love for the Father drew him into the
family business, Kingdom business.
What ultimately did that mean for Jesus?
7. Where in the first chapter of John does it say
that you become part of God’s family?
8. Trivia.
Hopkins says that Christ plays in _________ (how many places)?
9. From this passage Ryan said that Jesus
receives two things from his role from the Father: what are they?
The Jews of Jesus’ day were correct in their
understanding that there would be a final judgment, but they had one important
thing wrong! What was it?
What claim does Jesus make about himself in
John 5: 21, 25 -26?
What title from Daniel 7:9 does Jesus use for
himself when confronting the Jews?
What can be understood from that title?
Jesus will be the judge. You will receive life
or judgment. Is there a third
What two kinds of people will come out of the
tombs when they hear Jesus’ voice? Verse 29