Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Gospel According to Amos: Sermon Questions

Read Amos 7:7-9 and 9:11-15.

1. In what ways do you struggle with complacency in your life? What's the difference between contentment and complacency? How is complacency dangerous?

2. What plumb lines do we tend to use in assessing ourselves? How do these produce a false sense of assurance and feed our complacency?

3. What do you observe about Amos 9:11-15, specifically regarding the promise God makes to rebuild David's booth? Why a booth? How is that a significant prophecy about Jesus as David's greater son?

4. Name some ways that Amos 9:11-15 shapes your view of the Gospel, ie. what God 'built' for you through the work of Jesus? How might that combat our complacency with our sin? Our sanctification? Our stumbling blocks?

Monday, October 10, 2016

"The Day of Atonement and the Day Atonement Came" (The Gospel According to Leviticus) 10/9/16

The Gospel According To Leviticus (Leviticus 16:1-10, 29-34)
Dr. Jay Sklar

1) What were your general impressions and observations about the sermon on Sunday? 

2) Did the sermon affect your view of the book of Leviticus? If so, in what way? 

3) Dr. Sklar emphasized that the Day of Atonement was one of the ways “God, in His love, made a way to deal with our wrongs that we might be made right with Him.” In your words, how did this ceremony achieve that goal? [Hint: Dr. Sklar divided the ceremony into cleansing, removal, and one-more-time-for-good-measure]

4) Read Hebrews 10:11-25 and discuss how Leviticus 16 illuminates this passage. How does the Day of Atonement, as Dr. Sklar explained it, bring to life the benefits we have in Jesus? What fears does Jesus put to rest? What action does He invite us to take? 

5) What is one take-away from this sermon you would like to apply to your life this week?