Monday, February 25, 2013

The King's Prayer (Luke 22:39-46)

The King's Prayer (Luke 22:39-46)

Sermon Discussion Questions

What is so hard about admitting weakness?

How did Jesus face death in a similar way to other people?

How did Jesus face death in a dissimilar way to other people?

What are 2 possible understandings for Jesus sweating blood?

What tension was Jesus presented with as he prayed “your will be done”?

Have you ever felt liberated in weakness? how? Why?

Didn't get a change to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The King's Table Luke 22:1-30

The King's Table Luke 22:1-30

Sermon Discussion Questions

What is some of your favorite food?

How can preparing a meal for someone show them love?

Ryan said we may be uncomfortable with the intimate presence of Jesus, what do you think makes us uncomfortable when King Jesus desires to dine with us?

What promise comes with the meal Jesus serves?

Didn't hear the sermon? Click hear to listen!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kingdom Ambassadors [Luke 10:1-20]

Sermon Discussion Questions

Kingdom Ambassadors [Luke 10:1-20]

Jesus wants us to get up and go about life with the intention of bringing the good news of him to others. Ryan said "The very nature of the gospel is that it is to be shared". How did Jesus talk about sharing the gospel in this passage?

What is the story Jesus tells in 10:2-3? What is the narrative and meaning for us that Ryan talked about? 

What is the strategy King Jesus has laid out for us? 

What is actually at stake when it comes to God's people sharing the gospel with others?

How does Jesus present himself as motivation for sharing the gospel?

Didn't get a chance to hear the sermon? Click here to listen!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You're A Follower [Luke 9:46-62]

Sermon Discussion Questions

You're A Follower [Luke 9:46-62]

In our culture we love to talk about leadership. Penny found thousands of books on leadership, but only a few on following. Why the disparity? 

What are some ways that we compare and evaluate one another? What are some of the ways we evaluate who is the greatest today?

What was Jesus response to the argument going on between the disciples?

How do we sometimes get caught up in affiliation like the disciples?

Following after Jesus comes at a great cost. For some of us following Christ has already been of great cost, and for some of us following Christ will mean in the future a great cost. Why would you follow someone who tells you to give up everything and follow him?

Didn't get a chance to listen to the sermon? Click here to listen!