Doubting the King [Luke 7:18-35]
Sermon Discussion Questions
*At some point in our life, we all have doubts about Jesus. Even Mother Theresa struggled with doubt throughout her life. Ryan then challenged us to be open about some of our doubts. What are some doubts or questions we have about Jesus or the gospel?
*In this passage Ryan pointed out that John the Baptist doubts were provoked by the immediate circumstances around him. What are some of the difficult times that have provoked your doubt?
*Francis Schaeffer struggled with doubts of God. He took a period of months taking seriously the challenges of agnosticism before reaffirming his faith in Jesus Christ. Do you believe that faith is strengthened through trials of doubt?
How did Jesus encourage John's faith?
*There is a big difference between never being satisfied as a perpetual skeptic, and asking honest questions seeking honest answers. How can we foster a community that is open to honest questions?
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