Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19-26

Readings can be accessed in full by clicking on the links below:   

May 19: 2Sam 19-21
May 20: 
Ps 5/38/41-42
May 21: 
2Sam 22-23; Ps 57
May 22: 
Ps 95/97-99
May 23: 
2Sam 24; 1Chron 21-22; Ps 30
May 24: 
Ps 108-110
May 25: 
1Chron 23-25
May 26: 
Ps 131/138-139/143-145

To view the full schedule:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12 - 19

Readings can be accessed in full by clicking on the links below:   

May 12: Ps 65-67/69-70
May 13: 
2Sam 11-12; 1Chron 20
May 14: 
Ps 32/51/86/122
May 15: 
2Sam 13-15
May 16: 
Ps 3-4/12-13/28/55
May 17: 
2Sam 16-18
May 18: 
Ps 26/40/58/61-62/64
May 19: 
2Sam 19-21

To view the full schedule:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 8 Sermon: Is God's Word Good Enough For You? (2 Peter 1:12-25)

Pastor: Ryan Laughlin
Series: 2 Peter
1) The sermon identified two main reasons our confidence in the Bible might falter: the pace of our lives or the pain of our lives.  How has your confidence in the Bible been influenced by both?  

2) Peter insists that we need to be reminded of the gospel often -- one person has said, "we must preach the gospel to ourselves every day." In your own words, explain his reasoning in verses 12-15.  

3) In light of Peter's reminder, reflect together on the following passage from Richard Lovelace:

Only a fraction of the present body of professing Christians are solidly appropriating the justifying work of Christ in their lives. . . . In their day-to-day existence they rely on their sanctification for justification. . . . Few know enough to start each day with a thoroughgoing stand upon Luther’s platform: you are accepted, looking outward in faith and claiming the wholly alien righteousness of Christ as the only ground for acceptance, relaxing in that quality of trust which will produce increasing sanctification as faith is active in love and gratitude.

In order for a pure and lasting work of spiritual renewal to take place within the church, multitudes within it must be led to build their lives on this foundation.  This means that they must be conducted into the light of a full conscious awareness of God’s holiness, the depth of their sin and the sufficiency of the atoning work of Christ for their acceptance with God, not just at the outset of their Christian lives but in every succeeding day.”
-Richard F. Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life (Downers Grove, 1979), pages 101-102, italics his.

4) Often our confidence in the reliability of Scripture is eroded by doubt.  Can you remember a class, a conversation, or simply a moment in life when this doubt seemed especially acute?  How did you respond?  What helped you the most?  Which of Peter's responses resonates: the Bible as observed events, confirmed experiences, or inspired Word?  

5) The sermon ended with three lines of application: 
  • Some of us need to reconsider our doubts about the Word of God
  • Some of us need to read the Word of God
  • Some of us need to relish the Word of God 
Which of these three challenges do you most need to hear?  What are you going to do about it?


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1 Sermon: Be Reminded (2 Peter 1:1-11)

Pastor: John Pennylegion
Series: 2 Peter

As I was looking over this passage, I was struck by Peter's words that those who do not live lives that are maturing, they have forgotten the gospel. Thus, the implication for God's people is that we must be diligent to remember the gospel and the implications of the gospel. These implications included (1) remembering who we are - those called by God and those made clean by God - and (2) remembering how we are to live - lives that are increasing and lives that are dependent.

Below are some questions for reflection and discussion:

  1. In the discussion of remembering who we are, it was said that we have been called and that we have been cleansed. What are the ideas that compete with the truth that God has called us his own and that before him we are clean? Is it easy for you to cling to these competing ideas? Why?
  2. During the sermon, there was a quote referenced by another pastor: “many think of sanctification as not sinning for the longest amount of time possible.” Is this the primary way you approach your maturing in Christ?
  3. Vv. 5-8 describe different qualities that Peter expects Christians to grow in. How do you see your maturing in these areas as a way to choke out existing sin? Is it easier for you to focus on the qualities to be rid of than the qualities to grow in? Where do you see the need for maturing in your life? How can you seek to grow in these areas?
"Calling is an act of God and of God alone. This fact should make us keenly aware of how dependent we are upon the sovereign grace of God." - John Murray